
Wednesday, May 14, 2014


So I have taken on the challenge to post on FB for 100 days what makes me happy.  I have seen several friends do this and I have enjoyed seeing their pictures and decided I wanted to give it a try.  I generally feel like I am already a happy person but we all have areas we can improve.

A year ago I found this sign and fell in love with it.  It captures how I feel about life.  It seems like we are always searching for ways that will make us happy when all it could be is a change in our outlook.

I loved President Uchtdorf's talk at conference titled Grateful in Any Circumstances.  There were so points that I have gone back to re-read.

'When we are grateful to God in our circumstances, we can experience gentle peace in the midst of tribulation. In grief, we can still lift up our hearts in praise. In pain, we can glory in Christ’s Atonement. In the cold of bitter sorrow, we can experience the closeness and warmth of heaven’s embrace.

We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is. How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain?'

Loved this!  When I am grateful in my circumstances I can't help but BE happy.

Growing up I loved watching the movie Pollyana.  I was always inspired by how she was able to find the good in every situation.  I have tried to take that outlook when faced with challenges and trials and it can be very hard at times.  I am not a patient person and somewhat of a perfectionist so I rely on that "Pollyana" outlook quite a bit.  Sometimes the best I can do is think about how pretty the clouds are that day but that is a good start.

As for the challenge, the description was to find and post 1 picture a day of what makes you happy.  The idea is you will be searching for these items and hopefully find more than 1!  I know I have had several today already from listening to the rain last night to waking up to 2 very happy boys.  I know there will be days within these 100 that will be down days and sad days but for me that is where the "Pollyana" outlook will come into play.

Here's to day 1 of #100HappyDays

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